This week Ethan turned 8. He has decided to be baptized, which will take place February 2nd. He also will be starting Cub Scouts. His first meeting is a pack meeting. They will be doing the pinewood derby. Nathaniel and Ethan have been working together on the car. Ethan is a sweet kid and always trying to make the right choices. His favorite colors are gray and silver. He wants to be a hockey player when he grows up. He loves to read Harry Potter and a 5-in-1 book by Dr. Seuss. He loves to play Lego Star Wars on the X-Box 360. He is a great speller and already reads above his grade level. He loves to have his picture taken and will pose for it. He plays well with Isaac and also enjoys playing with his friends, Reese and Phoenix. He's growing too fast for me and I'm savoring every hug and kiss he offers!
This week Isaac turned 5. He is growing taller... even as I type. Isaac is a good boy. He loves to help me around the house. He'll even start unloading the dishwasher, just to surprise me. He thinks it's fun to clean toilets (he's definitely my child). He wants to be a dad when he grows up. He says he wants to be like Nathaniel. He loves to play office with his play desk. His favorite color is still green and sometimes he'll add pink in for me. He is a quick learner. He loves to follow his brother around and do whatever Ethan is doing. Whenever he gets the chance, he will put his pajama’s on. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 in the morning, his pj’s always find their way back on. He’s very thoughtful and will tell me several times a day that he loves me.