May 18, 2010

Dirty socks and grass stains

I've decided that boys come with dirty socks and grass stains. I just bought Ethan and Isaac new socks a couple weeks ago. Guess what they did with them? Ethan was riding his Razor Harley in socks (no shoes!!). To stop the bike, he would drag his feet on the ground. Needless to say, holes in the heels. Isaac was also wearing just socks and playing in the mud. I finally told both of them that they are buying their own socks.

I've talked to several mom's that have younger kids about stains. They tell me their favorite stain remover and I will ask if it gets out grass stains. I've tried everything!! I've found the only thing that works... straight detergent rubbed into the grass stain.


Melinda said...

I am a mean mom and my kids get 1 pack of new socks at the beginning of school and if they already need new ones by Christmas break because of loosing them at friends house or putting unnecessary holes....they buy the next pack!!!

Shani said...

Oh boy do we ever go through socks at our house!!! They are always, disgustingly dirty or completely holey. But some advice I was given on getting out grass stains was to put your detergent on the stain and set it out in the seemed to work for me and it saves you the scrubbing time.

Shearmommie said...

You need to borrow my book!!!