Yesterday I was driving home from my sisters in Layton. The roads were clear. But then I got into the canyon. The roads weren't too bad for my little red Ford Escort. Then I drove another 5 minutes. I was going 40mph. The truck with a trailer in front of me started to brake. So I, with my tiny knowledge of driving in the snow, was braking. My car started to slide to the right. My stomach was in knots and I was freaking out. My boys were worried too! A thought came to me to get my foot off the brake, I did, the car came out from the slide. I quickly told Ethan to pray for our safety. I honestly was freaking out. I wanted to throw up the entire drive through the canyon. My knuckles were white from their grip around the steering wheel. I now was going 30mph and I wasn't going to go any faster... but then about 10 minutes later the truck (with the trailer) started to brake AGAIN! I started to pump my brakes. My car wasn't slowing down... IT WASN'T SLOWING DOWN! I was (YES!) freaking out again praying I wouldn't hit the trailer. I tried getting into the left lane (I checked for any cars) and moved over so that I wouldn't be eating the dashboard. Phew! That was a close one. I don't think my boys were ever so quiet during a road trip when they were actually awake.
Needless to say, we got through the canyon safe. Stupid long canyon! There is nothing like learning to drive with actual experience rather then being told what to do. And I told Nathaniel he needs to get me a car with AWD. As we got closer to home, I asked Isaac to say a prayer to thank Heavenly Father for our safety.